I am pleased to announce April’s 2022 SA Value Award Recipient for Integrity!

Congratulations to Francis Osei-Amofah, Direct Support Professional in King County!

At Service Alternatives, Integrity means our values, intentions, words and actions are in alignment.  Francis Osei-Amofah is recognized for demonstrating this value, consistently aligning his actions with integrity.

The nomination introduces Francis stating, “Since working with Francis at the program since 2013, he has been one of the most honest and trustworthy staff I have met in SA.” 

The nomination states Francis demonstrates integrity in his everyday work including submitting accurate and complete time sheets consistently and completing all documentation and tasks before leaving a shift.  Additionally, Francis always learns from mistakes, and does things honestly and without complaining.  This quote from the nomination sums it up perfectly: “You can trust Francis with our clients in all aspects of work.  When he tells you he will do something be rest assured that he will do it.”

Thank you, Francis, for demonstrating care for clients through consistent work reflecting integrity in your actions!

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