Thank you Elaina for sharing this happening with us! We have a lot of traditions at SA, and we’re creating more each day.
When residents transition out of Alpine after completing the program, the staff and kids celebrate with a dinner or dessert the night before. We recently had a child transfer to a foster home, and a peer at Alpine threw him a “Cookie Party.” The peer made Butterscotch Cookies from scratch, and made him a nice card.
That’s all for now!
Anna is a blog author and manages the blog content for Service Alternatives. Her stories are focused on the current happenings, stories of interest, and employee spotlights. Anna has particular interest in breaking down barriers for people who get left behind or ignored because of the way our world is set up and in being a part of the movement to change what is normal and reevaluate how we approach these situations. In her free time, Anna enjoys reading, hiking, writing, and drinking a lot of tea. Anna is a second generation Service Alternatives employee.