Service Alternatives is committed to advancing the potential of our communities, customers, and ourselves through exceptional service. This mission defines our purpose and is at the heart of our business. We have a strong set of guiding core values through which we think, act, and operate our business in order to successfully carry out our vision. We believe our core values only have strength and credibility as they are embedded in our day-to-day work. Our values are:

  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Customer Service
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Community
  • Respect

This vision, mission, and values are the foundation for our Code of Business Conduct. We are committed to operating all aspects of our business in the highest ethical manner, in alignment with our values.


  • All employees will conduct themselves and their work in a professional manner, in alignment with the professionalism policy in the Employee Handbook.
  • All employees will work toward creating a culture of transparency, integrity, and honesty.
  • All employees will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in every county and state in which we operate.
  • All employees will engage in honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships.
  • All employees will avoid any personal activity, investment, or association which could appear to interfere with good judgment concerning Service Alternatives’ best interests and the best interests of the clients we serve. For examples, refer to the “Conflicts of Interest” section in the Employee Handbook.
  • All employees will keep confidential information from being misused and from using confidential information for personal and corporate gain.
  • All employees’ personal social media, and other online activity will follow policies in the Employee Handbook, “Workplace Expectations” section.
  • We will not engage in personal fundraising with clients served by the agency. Also, employees in supervisory positions will not engage in personal fundraising with employees they supervise, or employees over whom they otherwise have/are perceived to have power.
  • We will witness legal documents by signature upon request only if the person is known to us. If a notary public is required, we will assist our clients with securing that service.


  • All employees will ensure high quality services and supports for our clients. We will have regular quality assurance checks of our programs and work to ensure high standards.
  • Our marketing activities will always be conducted in a manner that respects the dignity and privacy of those receiving services. They will also be conducted in a manner that does not knowingly mislead or misinform the public or misrepresent Service Alternatives.
  • We will promote a healthy and safe work environment, stressing the obligation on all employees to take every reasonable precaution to avoid injury to clients, colleagues, and members of the public.

Customer Service 

  • We will maintain the highest possible standards of integrity in our customer, and contractual relationships.
  • We will provide and promote a range of products and services that meet our customer needs.
  • We will provide excellent service. Clients we serve will have input in their service plans, to ensure service provision reflects their choices and meets their needs.
  • We will keep close attention to detail in both documentation and ongoing support needs.
  • We will keep lines of communication open with our customers and clients to incorporate any changes that need to be made in service plans in a timely manner.
  • We will ask for feedback and ongoing input from our clients, customers, and other stakeholders, and consider this input when looking at ways to improve the organization.

Employee Satisfaction 

  • All employees will be treated respectfully and fairly in all aspects of their employment.
  • We will maintain a working environment that provides job-based compensation including benefits, training, and opportunities for professional development.
  • We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment. We will respect and celebrate diversity in our workforce, clients, and service delivery. We will promote a favorable employee relations environment in which the involvement of all employees is encouraged.
  • We will encourage open communication, activities, and trainings to build strong teams, and opportunities to make a real difference in people’s lives through the work that we do.
  • We will prohibit the use of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs on our premises and associated work environments and encourage any employee with an alcohol or drug dependency to seek help.

Fiscal Responsibility 

  • We will ensure financial records are maintained in all aspects according to law and the accounting principles, policies, and procedures that Service Alternatives has adopted. This includes an authority structure that establishes an effective financial control environment.
  • We will ensure the books and records of Service Alternatives accurately reflect the nature of the underlying transaction and that no undisclosed or unrecorded liabilities or assets are established or maintained.
  • We will perform regular Financial Quality Assurance reviews to ensure our policies and practices are effective and will make corrections and improvements where warranted.
  • We will comply with all required financial reporting requirements.
  • We will strive to prevent waste, fraud, abuse, and any other wrongdoing.
  • We will be responsible for the proper use, protection, and maintenance of company assets, including equipment, records, confidential information, and intellectual property.
  • We will strive to ensure that all billed episodes of service to clients are accurately documented. Errors will be promptly reported to the appropriate authorities when discovered.


  • We will contribute to the social and economic well-being of those communities where we are an employer.
  • We will encourage employees to participate in projects and initiatives to strengthen our communities.
  • We will encourage each individual and family with whom we work to participate and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways.
  • We will work to minimize the adverse environmental impacts of our business operations.
  • We will ensure that we conduct our activities, so far as possible, in a manner sensitive to the cultural and social traditions of communities with which we come into contact.


  • We will embody respect in our interactions with clients, communities, and each other.
  • We will honor and foster the power, choice, and potential of our clients.
  • All employees will respect and as able, contribute to the safeguarding of the personal property of clients, co-workers, and other visitors to our programs at all times.
  • We will be respectful of differences and embrace the diversity of all kinds in the workplace.
  • We will embrace the variety of cultures and communities with which we work.

Compliance and Education 

Compliance with SA’s Code of Business Conduct is an important factor in maintaining and building Service Alternatives’ reputation as a trustworthy and loyal business partner, employer, service provider, and corporate citizen.

We will present our vision, core values, and the other aspects of the Code to employees during the ‘new hire’ process, orientation and other company trainings including Elemental Leadership™. Copies of SA’s Code of Business Conduct will be available to our clients, customers, and other stakeholders via our public website.

Violations of the Code 

Violations of the Code damage the name and reputation of Service Alternatives and of our business, and so impact us all.

If you think someone is acting in a way inconsistent with SA’s Code of Business Conduct or in particular acts of waste, fraud, and abuse, you should report it directly to one of the following:

SA’s Compliance Officer–
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Executive Officer

If you are a person to whom a report gets made, you must report the information immediately to SA’s Compliance Officer or the CEO.

Service Alternatives is committed to establishing an environment that is conducive for all personnel to report, in good faith, suspected violations without fear of reprisal. SA has no tolerance for retaliation against an employee who has reported Business Code of Conduct violations or any other alleged wrongdoing in good faith.

This commitment brings with it a reciprocal responsibility. It is a serious matter to accuse someone of unethical conduct. This right and obligation should not be used for personal reasons, professional gain or undertaken without good evidence.

Once a complaint has been received, the Compliance Officer in partnership with the Human Resources Department and the appropriate Director will take the necessary steps to ensure that the matter is promptly investigated, addressed, and will develop corrective action initiatives.

Time frames vary to complete investigations. They will depend upon the nature and circumstances of the investigation, and Service Alternatives’ intent is to reach a finding within 30 days. If this is not practical, an update on the status of the investigation should be given within the 30 days to the CEO, and other parties as needed.