Meet Richard Haller. Rich has been with SA for the last 2 years. He started his journey as an Employment Specialist – and then he noticed there was an opening for a Program Manager. He applied for the position and got it! He is now the Program Manager for Program 25 – King County, Community Employment Services.

Some of the things that Rich loves about his work is supporting his clients in the field. He enjoys the clients that he works with daily, as well as the support staff and amazing team dynamic they have created.

When someone asks, “What do you do for work?” What do you say?
“I say that I work with people with disabilities who have barriers to employment and I support them in finding jobs in the community!”

What does a typical work day look like for you?
“Right now, as I’m in the transition from Employment Specialist to Program Manager – there is no typical work day. My day is anything buy typical. There’s lots of training, hiring staff, supporting current team members and clients, and unlimited paperwork. I’ll be extremely happy when I’m able to carry out full functions of a Program Manager and grow the presence of SA in King County.”

What do you like most about your job?
“I’m a people person, I love the people. I enjoy learning from and meeting other Program Managers from other counties and I enjoy working with my team. The team dynamic that we have created is so positive and healthy. Everyone works together for the same cause. In my two years of experience here, it has been amazingly positive. I also appreciate that SA holds their core values so close to the heart, and it shows every day in every interaction.”

What three words would you use to describe your role?
“Supporter, Problem Solver, Empathetic.”

What personal quality or skill do you think has helped you most in your job?
“I’ve worked with people with diverse backgrounds, different skill levels, and different personalities. I’m able to work with people in different ways and develop quality relationships with everyone I meet.”

Given your experience, what would you say to someone who has just started in the field? (and/or) What about someone who is interested in a job like yours?
“Be patient. Be patient with yourself, with the clients, staff, and everyone you meet. It takes time to learn. Don’t beat yourself up if you mess up, or forget. Understand where other people are coming from and try to be supportive of everyone you meet.”



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