RIGHT RESPONSE® Certification Workshop is an industry leading de-escalation training program. The philosophy centers on proactive, holistic, and immediately effective approaches to address conflict and crisis, with a goal of decreasing the need for physical intervention.
RIGHT RESPONSE Certification Workshops are designed for caregivers and staff who support individuals with identified behavioral and aggression challenges. The focus of this workshop centers on proactive strategies to manage the individual’s environment and to provide Positive Behavior Support in order to avoid the need for the use of physical safety techniques.
Attendees in this workshop will revisit the cycle of risk management and response. This process includes a large focus on Prevention strategies as well as De-escalation techniques. Post-crisis follow-up is also a necessary task of risk management and response. The use of Physical Intervention is also taught for use as a last resort in order to maintain safety in the presence of dangerous behavior.
Attendees of RIGHT RESPONSE Workshops can receive certification for completing the training. The certification is required by some regulations or job classifications. The length of certification varies by the level of training and ranges from one to two years. Certification is based on instructor approval and supervision of attendee participation, especially with physical skills. The Certification curriculum leverages the latest advances of adult learning methods and conforms to the most typical standards in restraint and seclusion policies.
In a Certification Workshop, we tell you what you should be doing to address crisis proactively. This is a Recertification Workshop, and when you return for recertification, we ask, “What have you been doing and how has it been working?” The Recertification curriculum is not just a rehash of the certification workshop but is designed to further embed and extend your original learning. Instructors provide consultation on addressing your particular challenges. With the RIGHT RESPONSE Workshop Recertification Workshop, you can fine-tine your intervention process in order to become more successful.
To qualify for a Recertification Workshop, you need a current certification or it has been no more than 90 days since your certification expired. After the 90-day Grace Period, you need to attend a Certification Workshop in order to gain a current certification again.
For more information on RIGHT RESPONSE, including information on certifying your own instructor, please visit www.rightresponse.org


Learning outcomes:

By completing this workshop, attendees will have the knowledge to:
  • reduce incidents and behavioral challenges
  • reduce injuries and property costs
  • reduce turnover and morale problems
  • reduce recurrent training time
  • reduce recurrent training expense
  • increase educational and therapeutic outcomes
  • increase trust and support in relationships
  • increase compatibility with the latest research in adult learning practices
  • increase attendee accountability measures
  • increase agency-wide risk management initiatives
  • integrate intervention implementation at all levels of agency operations
  • reduce exposure to community and media scrutiny resulting from excessive interventions


Target audience:

RIGHT RESPONSE has been used by staff in the following industries:
  • Adult Family Homes
  • Assisted Care Facilities
  • Boarding Homes
  • Camps and after-school programs
  • Casinos and Hospitality
  • Crisis Residential Centers
  • Day Care Centers
  • Detention Centers
  • Emergency Shelters
  • Family Homes
  • Foster Homes
  • Group Homes
  • Hospitals
  • Supported Employment settings
  • Public and Private Schools
  • Public access facilities
RIGHT RESPONSE is appropriate for people who support those with:
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Intellectual Developmental Disorders
  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Schizophrenia Spectrum
  • Tourette’s Disorder
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
RIGHT RESPONSE also speaks to the following topics:
  • Behavioral Healthcare
  • Bullying
  • Civil Disobedience Management
  • Community Outreach Services
  • Crisis Intervention/Assistance
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Domestic Violence
  • Gang intervention
  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Mental Healthcare
  • Substance Abuse Counseling
  • Suicide Prevention/Intervention
  • Therapeutic Treatment
  • Trauma Care
  • Workplace Violence


Class length:

Advanced: 7 Hours
Elements+: 5.5 Hours
Elements: 3.5 Hours


Workshop Details

Maximum Participants: 20

Onsite Fee: $2310.00

Attendee Fee: $240.00