Preventing Suicide is designed to enhance confidence and competence in supporting individuals at risk for suicide. This training empowers participants with the skills to assess suicidality, recognize risk factors, and implement effective prevention strategies. Participants will also learn how to refer at-risk individuals to appropriate mental health services and develop proactive interventions aimed at boosting resilience and reducing suicide risk factors.
Participants will expand their understanding of the common risk factors associated with suicidality and develop the ability to recognize warning signs and precipitating factors. This training emphasizes a person-centered and culturally responsive approach, ensuring that interventions are tailored to the unique needs of each individual.
Preventing Suicide is available through attending a pre-scheduled training session, scheduling an onsite session, or as a Train-the-Trainer model, allowing your organization to integrate this knowledge into your training programs. For more information or to explore your options please contact the Service Alternatives Training Institute.


Learning outcomes:

Upon completion of this six-hour training, participants will have the knowledge and skills to:
• Assess the youth and adults in their care for suicidality, as defined in this training,
including risk level.
• Recognize the common known risk factors for suicidality, as well as individual
expressions of such risk factors.
• Implement in-the-moment suicide preventions strategies, such as safety planning.
• Refer youth and adults at risk for suicidality to receive expert mental health care.
• Implement proactive individualized interventions aimed at increasing
resiliency/protective factors and reducing suicidality risk factors.
Additionally, training participants will
• Increase their level of comfort dealing with suicidality.
• Examine and dispel common myths surrounding suicidality.1. Describe the differences between types of cells which make up the brain and how the
communication between those cells facilitates our behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
2. Identify the main structures of the human brain and their functions.
3. Describe changes in brain development before and after birth through adulthood.
4. Appreciate the concept of neurodiversity and its various causes: genetics, brain
infections, and environmental factors like chemical exposure or oxygen deprivation.
5. Recognize which activities can facilitate brain development and regeneration through
the mechanism of neuroplasticity.
6. Engage in brain boosting activities with the people they support.


Target audience:

This course is an approved long term care worker continuing education training and is beneficial for individuals providing support in their professional and personal lives.


Class length:

6 hours


Workshop Details

Maximum Participants: 20

Onsite Fee: $2000.00

Instructor Certification Fee: $1499.00

Attendee Fee: $210.00

Workshop Categories

CE Approved