We believe everyone is employable, and that businesses are enhanced by a diverse workforce that is reflective of the community.
Are you experiencing challenges in finding employees who are reliable, skilled, invested in their own professional development, and interested in advancing the potential of your organization? Our Job Development service professionals are trained to match businesses like yours with quality employees. Our aim is to be an ongoing resource and partner with you, to help you meet your business needs. Our support is at no cost to you!
Businesses today recognize that employing a diverse workforce, including people with disabilities, makes good business sense and helps attract customers.
- 92% of customers respond positively to companies that hire people with disabilities, and 87% say they would prefer to patronize businesses that hire people with disabilities. Department of Labor; Office of Disability Employment Policy “Survey of Employer Perspectives on the Employment of People with Disabilities”
- Literature suggests that people with disabilities have comparable or below average absentee rates, compared to non-disabled employees. Hernandez B, & McDonald K. (2010). Exploring the costs and benefits of workers with disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 76(3), 15–23.
We use a variety of methods to help you meet your workforce needs:
- Identifying candidates – If you have current job openings, we can help you connect with qualified candidates
- Worksite analysis – We learn about your business, what makes it unique, what kinds of competencies are typically needed
- Accommodations – We can help you identify job related accommodations. Most accommodations come at no cost!
- Customized proposals – We can partner with you to identify where a supported employee could meet business needs in a new, customized position.
- Ongoing support – We can provide job coaching assistance to your new employee, so they can reach their highest potential
- Hiring incentives – We can provide you information on tax incentives for hiring individuals with disabilities, such as the Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Appropriate for:
Matching Candidates & Customizing Opportunities
Ongoing Support to Business & Employee
Tax Credits Available
Program details
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Strengthen your business through a diverse workforce.