Promote social emotional and academic confidence and prevent children from developing early behavioral and emotional challenges.
Are you the parent of an infant to 12 year old? Do you want to advance your parenting potential and learn to:
- Develop empathy toward your child — learn to listen to your child’s ideas, needs, and desires, and practice child-focused interactions
- Use appropriate incentives for behavior change in your child
- Practice problem solving skills and avoid power struggles that give your entire family the opportunity to enjoy these incredible years
- Promote social emotional and academic competence in your child
- Prevent, reduce, and treat aggression?
The Incredible Years® is a parent training program provided 1:1 in your home or through social support groups in your local community. With our facilitators’ guidance, you will develop these skills and more using The Incredible Years® (Carolyn Webster-Stratton © 2011) curriculum and video materials.
Appropriate for:
Focus on early childhood
Improved Parent Child Interactions
Parental Social Support and Problem Solving Skills.
Program details
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Provide you and your child, age 0 to 12, with a head start.