Pictured:  Rosemary Karanja (center) receiving her award from Administrator Samantha Sanabria (left) and Residential Manager Modou Sowe (right)

I am pleased to announce the SA Value Award Recipient for Fiscal Responsibility! Congratulations to Rosemary Karanja, Direct Support Professional in Adult Residential Services!

At Service Alternatives, our sound financial management today empowers the services we’ll deliver and the lives we’ll change tomorrow.

Rosemary is recognized for embedding fiscally responsible practices daily while incorporating these practices into assuring client well-being.

The nomination stood out to the committee stating that Rosemary advocates for clients’ needs and is honest in dealing with clients’ property and wellbeing. She has trust of clients and staff.

An excerpt from the nomination further shares a variety of ways that Rosemary provides fiscally responsible services:

 “She has coordinated client ledgers without any problems. She is trusted for clients’ financial needs, medical needs, and client family relations. Rosemary balances the financial ledger monthly and reports any discrepancy after periodically checking on them. She always enters receipts on trackers before leaving the program and keeps things up to date. I cannot thank her enough for stepping up and taking all this responsibility on her own.”

The nomination closes sharing a customer satisfaction accolade:

“Finally, during the State Re-certification Rosemary was commended by the State Auditor for her dedication, commitment, and contribution to providing needed information by the auditors. This is very rare in a State Re-certification.”


Thank you, Rosemary for demonstrating fiscal responsibility and representing Service Alternatives through re-certification with excellence. Congratulations!

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