I am pleased to announce the SA Value Award Recipient for Excellence! Congratulations to Summer Simpson, Training Specialist!
At SA, the pursuit of Excellence is an on-going practice requiring persistence and diligence. The nomination for Summer Simpson stood out to the committee describing examples of how Summer has embraced the pursuit of excellence consistently and it shows through in a variety of ways.
The nomination states:
“…Covid happened. Summer’s style is made for in-person work especially in how she engages and relates to her peers. Summer took that in stride and took on the task of transforming some of the work to be completed virtually. Throughout that time of translating our materials, it is apparent that she had excellence in mind – how to still deliver excellent results. She made the materials and slides engaging. She made sure there was interaction amongst everyone- – and that they were learning something of quality.
Recently, she developed a more coherent specialty material. The new material provided our instructors with a better way of teaching the material. Summer made the materials better. That is who Summer is when you get the chance to work with her. She will not allow “just okay” or “satisfactory” outcomes, she always has excellence in mind.
I am also amazed with her resilience throughout the last couple of years. Summer has faced challenges and life kept throwing curve balls but all this time she has never wavered in continuing to put forth her best effort and strive for the best outcome.
Excellence is not about perfection; excellence is about continuing to be resilient in the face of challenge. Summer has faced these challenges through pain and whatever life has thrown her way.
This statement from the nomination encapsulates this award:
“Excellence involves balancing and accepting what is while challenging you to put forth your best effort and strive for the best outcome. Summer represents this statement.”
Thank you, Summer, and congratulations!